
My name is Karolina I am from the Czech Republic and I have gone on Erasmus+ for 5 months to have an internship in the KFDWB in Vienna. I wanted to have more deeper and practical experience which is why I wanted to be on Erasmus a longer time than just 2-3 months. I would recommend the next trainees the same because it is great to get to know the scope of employment and all the processes on deeper levels which means more intensive and valuable experience for the trainee. Furthermore, the work is never stereotypical.
1) What do you think about your internship with KFDWB in Vienna?
At the beginning of the training I was skeptical because during my skype call they told me that they are currently working based on an open office process, which means I could work from anywhere in Vienna (University, library, home etc..). But it has also its advantages; the working hours and the places from where to work are flexible. You can enjoy other activities like continue your studies if you study in Vienna, learning German language and enjoy many other profeesional and cultural activities if you are well organized. Every week there were meetings where it is possible to get to know the colleagues with whom you are in touch (via e-mail, skype…) if there was anything needed to be discussed. You are still in touch with dynamic team of volunteers or trainees like you.
2) What was your work like?
I was involved in many projects – community of practices, website management, skills for development training, developing training materials, delivery of the trainings and preparing the reports of the trainings (you can view them here). It was a wonderful experience and the trainee gains a lot of new skills.
3) Did you receive any support during the training?
Yes, the coaching was wonderful, my inquiries were responded as soon as I needed. My supervisor, colleagues and local facilitators/training coordinators assisted and supported me quickly via mail, telephone or Skype call.
4) What was the most challenging?
What I have learned is that if you are not a hard working person you couldn’t succeed that much in the internship – it requires a lot of responsibilities, patience, motivation to learn new things and communication skills.
5) How did you find Vienna during the internship?
I can say Vienna is a wonderful city with a big variety of what to do (music, arts, events etc.). It feels rather calm and not too rush.
6) Would you like to recommend our organization to another student or volunteer?
Based on my experience I can say yes. I would recommend it to students as well as to volunteers who are responsible, opened, innovative and flexible and who want to learn new things. The work environment is very challenging :-). But if you are a striver you can succeed :-)! It looks like in a private sector. If you want to experience that you can find some of their opportunities here or contact them via email.
In the end I would like to thank the Erasmus + Management Group and the Palacký University, Olomouc for having given me the chance for this wonderful internship.
Lots of happiness and success wishes you.
You can view or download the reporting here